Building materials haven't changed much since the Industrial Revolution.
Custom materials are extremely wasteful, expensive, and prone to delays. With the current supply chain process, it can take weeks or months for builders to get the masonry they need.
Our solution? RedWork’s 3D printers use local sources of dirt and sand to print any masonry that builders need, when they need it, from a Material Marketplace created by architects and engineers.
ISAC Printers will be able to print materials from a marketplace of designs created by architecture firms and universities. RedWorks’ propriety algorithm can adapt the internal structure of building materials to create a honeycomb support structure that cuts down on weight while maintaining strength.
With a 10kW power source, a single printer could produce up to 250 standard bricks per hour; enough building material for today’s masons to assemble a 45m2 (480 sq-ft) micro-home after 2 days of operation at an average cost of 1¢ per brick (1/50th the cost from major retailers). Even before factoring in the elimination of material delivery costs, ISAC Printers can deliver bricks an order of magnitude cheaper than the current supply chains.
By generating masonry on-site, our technology would eliminate the CO2 emissions generated from the transport of traditional masonry. Where 1 pound of concrete yields 5.5 pounds of CO2 during manufacture, 1 pound of masonry from ISAC only yields 0.1 ounces of CO2.
will give Architects and Designers the power to get their designs out of the lab and into the field where builders can use them.